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Copyright warning

The content of this site is protected by copyright. The reconstructions, views and illustrations reproduced in this website belong to the designer of the project, Franck Monnier. 

Everyone is free to use this content for private purposes only.

Any right for reproduction or use of this virtual tour in the context of a publication, a distribution or a public event must be asked to the author using the contact form.



Welcome to the sumptuous palace of Pharaoh Amenhotep III in Malqata.

This virtual visit will allow you to circulate in the most intimate part of the king's palace, from the store of an annex apartment to the king's bedroom in person. In the meantime, you can admire the various rooms, including the splendid columned hall and the dazzling throne room.

Feel free to throw an eye on the map below in order to take some landmarks.

Good visit !

(If you want to know a little more about the different possible options to live this experience, read the note below).

If you enjoyed this experience, do not hesitate to support the project so that it can develop!

(from the price of a small entrance fee to what you want)

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Plan of the king's palace

Capture d'écran 2022-09-07 14.55.49.png

Note on required material

The virtual tour, accessible to all, is designed in such a way that everyone can enjoy it freely, depending on the equipment they have. A simple PC or a smartphone can suffice (the visit then takes place in 360° but in 2D).

The experience takes on another dimension with a virtual reality headset. For this, two options are possible: se  provide a VR headset in which to insert a smartphone (cost of around 25 euros), or acquire an all-in-one VR headset (from 429 euros new). The last option offers the most total immersion. A simple VR headset at 25 euros already gives satisfactory results.

Attention !! The Google browser on smartphones can cause difficulties.

In this case, download the Firefox browser for Android. The tests proved to be satisfactory.


© Franck Monnier, 2023.

Any reproduction of the works exhibited on this site is prohibited without the authorization of the author.

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