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This project was reactivated following a participatory campaign and the generosity of its supporters. This one owes its existence to you. Thank you all!

Кирилл Эберс, Damien Agut, Brigitte Alessandri, Luis Ampuero, Valérie Angenot, Nathalie Arnould, George Assouad, Sandrine Aucher, Fabienne Barge, Thierry Bergerot, Rémy Boucharlat, Faustine Boulay, Cau Brualla, David Brügger, Baptiste Brulet, Anita Brunel, Patrizia Burlini , Jeffrey Ross Burzacott, Sylvie Camacho, Georges Coche, Fabien Collas, Anne D'Hauwer, Marie-Emmanuelle Dauphin, Nicole Debert, Sylvie Delagoutte, Jeremy Delahoche, Isabelle Delcampe, Fabien Dessaux, Martine Detrie Perrier, Isabelle Dubessy, Christiane Duquesne, Danielle Epervrier, Gersande Eschenbrenner Diemer, Fanni Faegersten, Sylvie Favre-Briant, Jean-Pierre Fayard, Claude Field Feldschuh, Romain Ferreres, Vincent Francigny, Ezechiel Frost, Sébastien Giuli, Bernard Goerig, Isabelle Goncalves, Marie-Christine Graber-Bailliard, Alain Guilleux , Laurent Hallé, Christine Henry, Marilys Horgue, Evelyne Hostein, Amandine Jehanne, Laure Klein, Jean Daniel Krzyzosiak, Jean Lafite, Emilie Lahaye, Louis Lallemant, Xavier Landreau, Benoit Langrand, Jose-Luc Leban, Annie Leger, Charlotte Lejeune, Pascal Lemaire, Stéphane Lemmen, Elodie Lestrade, Nicole Lurati, Jeannick Mardelli, Stéphane Marie, Vicki Martins, Nicolas Messieux, Francis Micas, Cédric Monnier, Céline Monnier, Julien Mustin, Nathalie Nicolas, Irna Osmanovic, Alexandra Oukdim, Antoine Palfroy, Marie-Josée Patruno, Martine Pech, Marie-Thé Pérardelle, Justine Perdreau, Evelyne Perruchietti, Marianne Pinon, Jean-Baptiste Poussard, Sébastien Quercy, Damien Reculè, Pierre Refouvelet, Jean-Paul Robert, Elsbeth Rooker, Serge Rosmorduc, Jean Claude Rosselet, André de Ruiter, Mélody Simon, Dominique Simonet, Julien Soler, Celya Szalkowska, Dominique Terrier, François User, Marie-Hélène Vacelet, Audrey Valentin, Theo van der Vegt, Raphaël Vanesse, Maurice Vanlippevelde, Thierry Verdel, Gauthier Willem, Amy Wilson, Ghislaine Zimmerle , Eliane Zivkovic.

We would particularly like to thank Thierry-Louis Bergerot, editor-in-chief of the review Egypt Afrique et Orient, for his very generous contribution.

The modeling requires immense work and I am very grateful to Laurent Hallé for collaborating with me on the modeling of King Amenhotep III. His work on the adornment was most precious.

I also express my deep gratitude to Jérôme Delaunay who took care, from the views that I was able to transmit to him, of the design of the virtual visit and its online publication.

Peter Lacovara (director of Ancient Egyptian Archeology and Heritage Fund), archaeologist and specialist of the Malqatta site.

Aude Gräzer Ohara (Royal Museums of Arts and History, Brussels), archaeologist and specialist of the Malqatta site.

Andrew Boyce (draughtsman in archaeology), authors of numerous reconstructions of artefacts from the site of Malqatta.

Paul François (research engineer at the Laboratory of Medieval and Modern Archeology in the Mediterranean), specialist in 3D modeling of archaeological sites

Shinichi Nishimoto (Waseda University in Japan)

Françoise Laroche-Traunecker (architect-archaeologist)

Ziad Nour

Meghan Strong (Case Western Reserve University), specialist in ancient Egyptian lighting

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Cairo Museum

Waseda University (Japan)

Alain Guilleux

This reconstruction work requires reproducing many works,  analyzing and evaluating various hypotheses, taking into account a multitude of existing works and consulting experts in various fields. We  warmly thank them for the help provided.

© Franck Monnier, 2023.

Any reproduction of the works exhibited on this site is prohibited without the authorization of the author.

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